Biology, Ecology and Evolution of Dolphins

Females size range between 2.5 and 2.78 m, males are a maximum of 2.2 m. Neonates size range from 63 to 71 cm and grow to about a meter in 1 year. Adults weigh about 150-170 kg. Dolphins have sharp pointed teeth which flattens with age.

Reproduction and Gestation
Females size range between 2.5 and 2.78 m, males are a maximum of 2.2 m. Neonates size range from 63 to 71 cm and grow to about a meter in 1 year. Adults weigh about 150-170 kg. Dolphins have sharp pointed teeth which flattens with age.

The Platanista dolphins have adapted to murky water relying more on their echolocation than their eye. Eyes have poorly developed retina and can only differentiate between light and darkness. These dolphins emit bio-sonar waves and receive them to position their target object. This helps in identifying objects or other animals, foraging and navigation.

They are air breathers and surfaces for air with a mean dive time of 2 to 7.5 min once. Their preferred water depth is 2- 4 m water, however, they do occupy water of about 12 – 15 m. They can tolerate a temperate range of 8 – 33°C.

Dolphins feed on a wide variety of prey – fishes, crustaceans (Shrimps and prawns), molluscs and some water insects. Fish sizes in dolphin stomach contents range from 3.5 to 20 cm; 40-50 cm long fish are rare, and if present have low body depth. The largest record is of a 50 cm long Sperata, a cat fish.